Friday, January 28, 2011

Saman Dance from Aceh - Indonesia

Saman Dance
Saman dance is one of the most famous areas of Aceh today. This dance originated from the Central Highlands.  In the past, Saman Dance is usually displayed to celebrate the  event  - a significant milestone in indigenous and people of Aceh. In addition, this dance is usually also displayed to celebrate the  birth of  the Prophet  Muhammad. In fact the name "Samantha" is obtained from one of  the great scholars of Aceh, Syech Saman

Saman dance is usually displayed using the accompaniment of musical instruments, a drum and use the sound of the dancers and their applause is usually combined with hitting the chest and groin, and flung them as synchronization body in different directions.

This dance is  guided  by a leader  who is typically  called  Syech. Because of the uniformity of  formation  and punctuality is a must in these dances, the dancers are required to have a high concentration and a serious exercise in order to appear  perfectly.

This dance is performed in groups, singing by sitting on his knees and lined / bersaf without musical accompaniment.

Because of dynamic motion, this dance a lot dibawak / danced by men, but now the development of this dance has been danced by many female dancers as well as a mixture between male dancers and female dancers. This dance is danced about 10 people, with details of 8 dancers and 2 as cue givers while singing.

For dance lovers, Saman be one prima donna in the show. In every appearance, in addition to drawing attention also suck big dance lovers. Saman dance one dance that is quite unique, because it only shows the motion of clapping and other movements, such as body movement, head and body position. Another uniqueness visible from a seated position of the dancers and swaying bodies snapped to the left or right, when the verses sung in rhythm.

This dance is  usually  played  by a dozen or dozens of men, but the numbers must be odd. However, in subsequent developments, this dance is played also by women or a mix between men and women. And of course with modifications to  other  motion. I am sometimes asked how many people can simultaneously  play a  dance  that has a high speed? In addition to  training  of course, there's a certain formation in putting each dancer was so dense and balanced look harmonious and dynamic dance.

 Almost all Acehnese dances performed a gang. This requires cooperation and mutual trust between the sheikh (leader in the dance) with the dancers. But what are the elements that make this dance so beautiful in motion, rhythm and cohesiveness is not much we know.

 Now let's start peeling the supporting elements in this saman dance. Perhaps when we know all the aspects contained in this dance, we can better understand. And get not only beauty but also the philosophical meaning of position, movement, poetry performances terlantun when Saman in the title.


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