Jaipongan was a genre of dance art that was born from creativity of an artist from Bandung, Gugum Gumbira. His attention in the people's art that one of them was to knock on xOBJ made him knew and knew true perbendaharan patterns of the movement of the available tradition dance to Kliningan/Bajidoran or the Tilu Beat. The movements of the aperture, pencugan, nibakeun and several styles of the movement mincid from some art above was enough to have the inspiration to develop the dance or art that currently is known by the name of Jaipongan.
Before the form of this performance art emerged, there were several influences that formed the background of the form of this social dance. In West Java for example, the social dance was the influence from Ball Room,
Before the form of this performance art emerged, there were several influences that formed the background of the form of this social dance. In West Java for example, the social dance was the influence from Ball Room,